Stichting Studiereizen GEWIS


We are Stichting Studiereizen GEWIS, or SSG for short. We are not a committee of GEWIS but a foundation that operates separately from GEWIS with its own board! We do however have a very close relationship with GEWIS. This is because every 2 years a committee of SSG is created to organize an amazing study trip for GEWIS. You might be wondering what a study trip consists of. Most of the times the trip is around 3 weeks and you will spend a third of the time going on or to study related things, another third will be spent on culture and last you will want to have some vacation time!

SSG is there to oversee the study trip committee and help them out. Our board consists of old study trip committee members, a GEWIS board member and then some extra people. Being a separate foundation and not just a committee from GEWIS makes it easier for us to organize the trip as we can keep everything to the foundation. Having members on board that have already organized a study trip helps a lot in terms of experience and helping the current committee. Some of the previous destinations are South Korea, South Africa, Japan and many more!


SSG currently has the following members:

Ivo Dams (Chairman), Ruben Wolters (Secretary), Lora Šimić (Treasurer), Jasper Gregoire, Jort van Driel, Jelte de Kock, Stijn Schroijen

Previous Study Trips

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